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Monday, March 7, 2011

Blogging: Not Always as Easy as It Looks

When I first decided that I ought to have a blog of my very own, my head was filled with visions of the rhetorical brilliance and vast array of knowledge that I would share with the world. As you can see, it's not working out that way. There are several reasons why this is the case.
First of all, I do not always have the time. You can see that I post infrequently. I will try to remedy this starting now.
Second, it's not always easy to find something original to say. I have lots of ideas, lots of original thoughts, but all too often someone with more knowledge or better insight says it just that much better. Examples would be Orac's "Respectful Insolence" blog, or PZ Myers' "Pharyngula". I certainly don't belong in the same ballpark with Christopher Hitchins, either. I promise to try harder to develop into the blogger I want to be.
Third, there are so many forums to choose from to make your thoughts known. I have sometimes given my blog ideas over to Facebook, or to comments on other blogs or reader forums. This is harder to fix.
Lastly, I don't really have any readers. I naively thought that if I just started a blog, readers would find their way to it and it would grow. The third problem gives me the solution to that one - use those various venues to link to my blog.
If by some miracle you are reading this, please check back over the next few weeks to see what I have done and tell me if it's working.

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